- Rama, Manastirliu visit the temporary hospital-quarantine for corona-virus patients
- Kokedhima: Our country is a real catastrophe
- Pompeo greets accession negotiations for Albania
- Basha after conversation with commissioner for enlargement: I asked him assistance for Albania
- American ambassador: American citizens to go back to USA
- Import-Export of goods continues smoothly
- The number of infected goes to 174
- 85 year old dies of coronavirus
- 8 victims so far caused by coronavirus
- Elderly dies in house in Devoll after fireworks cause fire
- Great Kosovo actress passes away
- 5 year old orphan dies after being systematically abused by his ant, her husband and grandmother
- Court continues its job: Additionam measures taken for corona-virus
- Pipero: It is a global pandemic, cannot be forecasted
- Pipero: Soon capacities in hospital will be crowded
- Albanian activist from Bergamo: The hospital that needed to be a curing hospital turned into an infections center
- Steps how to apply for circulation
- Two new cases with corona virus in Puka
- Doctor states: Do not use air conditioner, a dangerous means to be infected
- Four children affected with coronavirus
- Person infected in Shkodra, no doctor was infected
- Elderly the most “disobeyed ones”, police forces begs them to stay home
- Rainfalls and temperature rise