- Students protest, accuse government of failing to implement “Pact with University”
- Venice will review the “anti-defamation” law
- Newly created Special Prosection takes down criminal group
- President Meta meets Bulgarian counterpart in Israel
- Rama on reconstruction: Damage invoice goes to 1 billion euro
- The election of the Constitutional Judge, President Meta addresses the Venice Commission
- Amnesty: Benefiters also those who are convicted till December 31st
- President Meta councilman: libeling package “dangerous”
- Corruption is going up, Tabaku: One in three tenders is delivered abusively
- International report on corruption published: Albanian makes steps ahead in fighting corruption
- Durres Port concessionary cancelled by court order
- Bank of Albania: Earthquake discouraged people to receive bank loans
- Luxurious cars seized, 4 criminal groups dismissed
- Domestic violence figures go up by 200 cases more in 2019
- Video footage of Bulqiza mayor consuming cocaine
- Shkodra municipality employees have not provided salaries
- Manastirliu and Balla inaugurate new health center of Gostima
- 9 years without justice, January 21st victims commemorated
- Belsh lacks psychologists at school
- Schools in Tirana lack central heating system, pupils under
- School financed by Iran closed
- Renting bonus only for a month, citizens complain