- Macron: The purpose is to have the entire Balkan in the EU
- Albanian acting MFA meets US Deputy Assistant Secretary Philip Reeker
- Cakaj: Albanian officially receives presidency of OSCE
- Parliament votes Albania’s new Prosecutor General
- EU Crisis Management Commissioner visits Albania
- US Ambassador greets appointing of new Prosecutor General
- Prosecutor General declaration after appointment
- Strong declaration of Berisha: Earthquake victims are state murders
- Braimllari: Prosecutor`s Office must investigate Edi Rama
- Cabinet Chief at Prosecutor`s Office resigns
- OSCE presidency: Rama meeting in Bratislava
- Earthquake emerges damages in construction
- Italy deports Albanian accused of terrorism
- Mat, citizen injured with strong means, one arrested and another declared wanted
- Man from Vlora arrested after being declared wanted on international level
- Rama: Who built house in the village will receive 20 million ALL
- PM Rama at “Porta a Porta”
- Decorations for the end of the year feasts start in Durres
- Humans residents: We were not accepted in hotels
- Reconstruction in Laçi
- BoA message: Let’s get back to normal
“House of leaves” receives first prize in Paris