- American embassy: We encourage everyone to go voting
- Education directorates undergo changes to be distributed in all municipality units
- Albanian Defense Minister at Pentagon for Black Hawk helicopters purchase
- This Friday, Air Albania’s first official flight
- Democratic Party ally who refused to renounce mandate: “We were offended by Basha”
- Meta returns law for the Police Vetting
- Manjani: Monist regime in Albania imposed
- Rudina hajdari: The only choice is solution
- Bell alarm, Berisha: What is hidden after Dutch decision
- Gjosha: Opposition wants power through votes
- WB, 149 million euro for the transport trade in Balkans
- IMF: Potential liabilities to increase Public-Privite Partnerships in 2019
- England, 14 year old stabbed to death
- 252 falsified documents seized in Germany, destination Albania
- Two most declared wanted people were extradited in Albania
- Rinas robber, police searches in the villages of Fushe-Kruja
- Llapushaj villages abandoned every day more
- 9 in 10 Albanians suffer from stress
- Klosi in action, 1000 volunteer to clean up Rodon cape
- Thousands of pupils take part “Cate celebrations” in Belsh
- Exibition of Kosovo children in Tirana