- Another opposition MP joins Parliament after mass resignation
- EP: “Albania, closer to EU integration. Opposition’s actions damage progress”
- Rama: We’re open to dialogue, but we’ll not negotiate the government elected by people
- Opposition leader after today’s protest: “We sent home this Parliament of crime”
- President appealed parties to step back. Basha: “Not until we overthrow Rama”
- File “339”, Flamur Noka: There has been a warrant, but it was stopped
- Çuçi: In file 339 there is no person from SP implicated
- Ndoka; Rama could have been more tolerant. That is why we burnt the mandates
- Academic Rexhep Qosja: Albanian and Kosovo politicians to learn from Tuz
- Bogdani: Rudina Hajdari will be excluded from DP
- Çuçi:Erion Veliaj, the undisputable candidate for Tirana
- Vasili: Rama`s visit in Italy non appropriate
- Minister of Justice: 28 disciplinary measures for 28 customs` officers in Durres port
- Service for Internal Affairs and Complaints to conduct vetting in the police ranks
- Euro drop, investors transfer profits outside Albania
- Properties to be handled by Court based on new law, 10 thousand files still unsolved
- 8 persons arrested on Tuesday`s opposition protest
- Serios accident in Fier, 5 cars crash to each other
- Court session on Shullazi case postponed due to absence of lawyer
- Polish arrested for killing an Albanian in Greece
- New mosque minaret filled with snipers during protest
- Albanian seized with 15 thousand euro drugs in Italy
- EUROSTAT: Around 60 thousand Albanians with foreign citizenship
- Police surrounds parliament and pedonale
- Draft-law: Doctors and nurses banned from doing two jobs
- Several hours of delays for departures in Rinas airport
- Adem Jashari commemorated in Tirana
- Poetry of Nasolini comes in Albania in the book “Meat and sky”
- Edi Rama invited in “Porta a porta” con Bruno Vespa