- Speaker of Macedonia “Law enters in effect immediately. Ugly scenes should not happen”
- Bushati: “Passing of Albanian language law in Macedonia, big achievement for Albanians”
- DP greets voting in Macedonia: “Step ahead for better co-existence”
- Basha congratulates Merkel for her fourth term as German Chancellor
- Meta congratulates on the Albanian language made official at Macedonian Parliament
- 80% of Albanians live with less than 10 dollars per day, the poorest in the region
- Albania consumes 2 liters/year per person
- Over 4000 thousand vacancies in Albania
- Kristal University has issued 900 diplomas to Italians
- 36-year-old handcuffed for drugs and money
- Albanian youngster terrorizes girl in the highway
- 14-year-old in Mirdita dies after being stricken by lightening
- 49-year-old hit with strong means in Elbasan
- Private operators will build theater in 3500 m2, to take 4500 m2 for their high-rise towers
- Danish boy hired for the new project of the National Theater
- Elbasan, ambulance 11 months without doctor
- Albania ranked among the unhappiest countries in Europe
- 10 years from Gerdec explosion
- Father violates son and gets arrested
- Summer Day, activities organized in Elbasan and Tirana
- Tirana celebrates Summer Day, Mayor Veliaj: “We will keep working to change our city”
- Elbasan gathered thousands of people to welcome Summer Day
- Gjirokastra citizens gather at Viroi Park for Summer Day