- Ambassador Lu meets Rama at the prime minister`s office
- Mogherini: “2018, a good chance for EU integration”
- FBI, vice-minister of Interior: “The “big fishes” have been identified; concrete results in 2018
- Bardhyl Nuredinaj appointed Chief of the Military Intelligence Service
- President Meta meets Bulgarian vice president, praises new law for minorities
- Prosecution investigates 3014 public employees hired during electoral campaign
- Rama: Albanian media as reliable as Albanian judges
- Rama: “Vetting of Police will continue”
- Kokedhima: Citizens, protest on water price!
- SMI: “Alternative for Budget 2008”
- SMI: “Budget for agriculture is ridiculously low”
- Economic growth, Rama meets bank representatives
- Illegal constructions` number doubled during electoral campaign
- BoA raises alarm: Population age and emigration have deepened the gap of production
- BoA governor: Banks must grant more loans to businesses
- Two new gas turbine power plants; one in Korca, one in Kucova
- Judge arrest for corruption, Prosecutor`s Office sends custody measure to HCJ
- Vice-prefect of Tirana and 10 other officials arrested
- Vlora, deliberate fire totally burns out club
- Van parting for Montenegro seized with drugs
- 25 year old loses life in Bulqiza mine after wall collapses
- Serious accident in Xibraka, car capsizes
- PM Rama: “Free diabetes strips for children”
- Tirana Mayor: “Public transportation accompanied by electric buses
- Turbulence at sea, problems of ferries` anchoring in Durres Port
- Xhaçka: Doctors to reach communities in need of medical assistance
- Lasgush Poradeci’s house will turn into a museum