- Rama: I feel pity for Basha, We needed a pact for integration, I got damnations
- DP: Balla officially confirms the lie for Zagani
- Visho Ajazi resigns, Rama meets Meta, proposes Helidon
- Basha: Rama puts no pressure to the Prosecutor`s Office, Tahiri must be arrested
- Noka: Anti-mafia government needed, opposition has its own political action
- Rama cuts funds to the Academy
- Vasili: Science academy needs
- Offices of the reform in the justice system inaugurated
- Vettingu, last victory, Constitutional court rejects the request of judges
- Basha: Resignation of Visho Ajazi: Pressure for Tahiri
- Tax Office to small businesses: Goods to be associated with receipt, otherwise there will be consequences
- Budget, damage 149 million euro, opposition: Damage from hashish 5 million euro
- Car crashes 29 year old to death in Kruja
- 15 ingots of explosive substance seized in Saranda
- Vlore, citizen injured with gunfire
- New port, old problems in Durres
- Tirana joins Albanians for the local elections in Tuz
- Albanian music in the focus of Financial times
- Albanian bunkers in the national geographic channel
- Temperatures go down for this week