- Rama takes an oath at the presidency, hands shake with Meta at the Presidency
- President calls HCJ: Discussion on domestic violence
- Greek Minister of Defense: We want good relationships with Albania
- Meta for “La Stampa”: Europe, the medicine against the mine called “Balkan”
- Rama: Salaries for teachers and doctors to be increased by 40%
- Governor Seiko meets the Japanese ambassador
- Positive balance sheet from tourism: 156 million euro
- Euro reaches highest value since May
- Factories of milk collection do not issue tax invoices
- Buxhuku: Welfare reduced: 240 Albanians left their country
- Intercourses with underage, man arrested
- Hail damages crops in Korca
- 85 clandestine seized in two weeks
- Drimadhas, polish tourist rescued from drowning
- Moisture causes accidents in Kombi road axis
- 52 year old dies banged by train
- Brawl on property, 30 year old stabbed
- 1020 more vacancies in universities to be filled
- 19 years from Azem Hajdari death commemorated
- Saranda, Krana residents only 15 minutes of water a day