? PM discharges Kavaja Mayor heavy law breaking
? Constitutional Court leaves Vetting law untouched
? SMI approves CEC verdict on SMI incriminated MP
? Application of Decriminalization law on 3 MPs echoes to the world
? Basha writes that detachment of politics from crime has just begun
? US Embassy ? CEC decision is otherwise translated as a peoples victory
? Justice Minister vows that law must be followed at any cost
? Primer at Enquiry Committee. ?Disagreement with CEZ sound the best solution ever?
? Territory National Council enacts 5 plans initiated by UNDP
? Primer denies the fact that Government-CEZ settlement was pre-arranged
? Criminal Code: ?To avoid serving 3 years of penalty one must pay 5.4 mln ALL
? LIBRA wins 10 thousand memberships?gets ready for general elections
? Albpetrol crazy sell of oil?167 thousand of tones
? City Hall budget to work on a 15.3 bln ALL budget
? Increase of construction permit no. is contributing to economy growth
? BoA ? Cash money use constitute 16.1 bln % of GDP
? Crafts businesses benefit 30 mln ALL from Economy Creative Fund
? 4.6 bln less revenues accumulated by fiscal administration. Deficit gets deeper
? Online trading. Unlicensed subjects are risking Albanians savings
? Level of electric power generated is higher than the one consumed
? Finance Ministry ? 84 mln ALL encased by state enterprise. Less than last year
? ERE ? Here is how consumers will pay energy power price
? Currency values today
? City Hall organizes a great New Year concert on December 31
? Weather forecast tomorrow