? Xhafaj ? Constitutional Court exceeded its legitimacy. Vetting shall pass
? 7th law of justice reform suspended shortly after DP abandoned the session
? CE co-reporters for Albania in Tirana on a mission to gather evidences
? Rama?s and Basha?s agriculture solution platforms.
? Basha-IMF meeting. Economy slowdown the result of drugs and corruption
? Government HPPs project in Valbona?are they truly necessary?
? DP leader ? We?ll augment subsides to farming up to 100 mln USD
? Albania-Turkey. Political, strategic and economic mutual exchanges to keep up the good work
? BoA Conference. Rama claims of a 4% of economic growth next year
? Parliament considers ?Bankruptcy? bill as part of its agenda
? PM Rama ? We?ll achieve for health system what we did for education
? Left MPs had DP?s right to hold press censure session violated
? Albania attends NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels
? President ? The 67 decorated men were martyrs not traitors
? Migration crisis. Albania won?t seal its borders
? 6 years later the public debt falls to 69.77%
? Rama ? Government has paid back 720 mln USD of debts
? Energy Minister remits arrears to families in need
? BoA National Conference. Governor assures of a stable and healthy economy
? How is Albanian ?Doing Business? compared to the FYROM?s one?
? CEST Conference 2016, Credins Bank a partner
? Tax rating. How much are hotels going to pay for the verification
? VAT sound injected the smallest revenues amount into the state budget
? Custom incomes mark a fall off to 3.3% less than in 2015
? Government provides TAP with 103 thousand m2 of land for constructions
? 54 ARMO assets put up for auctions due to unpaid debts
? Currency values today
? INSTAT ? Living conditions are better in Tirana. Disproportional economic growth
? Weather forecast tomorrow