? Majority refuses environmentalist claims over residues import
? Reform and elections. Constitutionalist keep different stances
? Vetting suspension cheers judges and prosecutors
? USA and EU uphold Constitutional Court verdict on the Vetting bill
? DP very critic on government?s foreign affairs with Serbia
? ?avusoglu invites Bushati upon bilateral relations strengthening
? UNO and Albania sign the next 5-years program
? SP calls residues import bill a success, despite a range of set-downs
? Parliament agenda frequent calls off due to MP trips abroad
? Ben Blushi?s minimum wages increase strategy
? Speaker sustains cannabis pharmaceutical legalization by consensus
? JUIP ? Our deal with SP, a very disappointing one
? WB ranks Albania the 32th in ?Doing business? report
? Economy Minister ? Albania already highly attractive for investors
? Finance Ministry ? 19 bln ALL of revenues more collected in 2016
? Economy Minister ? 6.2 bln ALL of public funds allocated in 2015
? MEI?s strategy on revitalizing communist regime HPPs
? Goods exchange agreement reached with Bosnia and Herzegovina
? A common railway and maritime strategy investments with India
? In 9 months assurance market surged to 7.2%
? Finance Ministry informs of a fall of budget revenues not planned. 4.4bln less
? Higher budget to be spend on farming in 2017
? Currency values today
? Living minimum in Albania, 16 thousand ALL per capita
? 3 unpaid months, ARMO workers in proterst
? Weather forecast tomorrow