? Fear for a broken consensus makes Meta cut his visit to USA off
? Is Vetting law generating new political disagreements?
? Road of the Nation?s concession. DP to call it off once in power
? Justice Minister ? We welcome more advices from Venice Commission
? Fleckenstein formalized the request of EU to continue with the 7 bills
? International Republican institute praises the DP leadership over the reform
? OSCE presence ? MPs and citizens should tightly cooperate with one-another
? PM Rama ? Electronic card for oil supply to save 9 mln USD
? Vetting bill is on its way to Parliament
? Welfare Minister ? Pensions to grow up to 1.6%
? EBRD President ? The reform will elevate Albania economy
? Sejko and EBRD President meeting
? Fee not just for the Road of the Nation, even for 8 other axis
? BoA – Economic growth is the result of investments rather than remittances
? AIDA plans a new marketing strategy to promote ?Made in Albania? brand
? Insurance market marked an increase to 3% during the first 6 months
? Second hand securities market overwhelmed by treasury bonds
? Credins Bank offers house insurance for 500 earthquake victims
? EBRD sees a decline in Albanian tourism compared to the region
? BMI-FITCH report ? Here the risks of Albanian economy
? Currency values today
? City Hall delivers new residences keys to 177 families in need
? Albania now part of 12 Cruise Adventure destination?s list
? Court seizes corrupted judge?s ban account
? Patience?s? hassle, police start enquiry
? Tirana American Hospital accident. Two more victims
? Weather forecast tomorrow