? Lu and Vlahutin proposal brings politicians back to negotiations
? PM Rama ? We?ll do everything to come to a deal
? SMI leader ? I play no game, I fight for the compromise
? Justice reform generates contradictions in the foreign press
? Fatmir Xhafaj ? Mr. Hahn?s letter should be first debated
? Tense Chairmen Conference debates on the reform
? Ben Blushi ? Parliament?s countdown
? Former PM Berisha ? Rama broke the agreement
? Environmental cooperation among Albania and Germany
? Fleckenstein blames DP for finding excuses in any case
? Negotiations to meet Venice Article 88 are on the run
? Defense Minister ? We are uploaded with the reform, but we?ll make it
? What serious consequences is US Embassy in Tirana talking about
? Finance Ministry ? Custom duty for every online purchase up to 45 EUR
? Devaluation of ALL towards EUR. 1 EUR = 136.4 ALL
? Unpaid tax of several vehicles to be remitted
? Bankers Company shares to be bought by China Geo-Jade corporation
? EBRD President to visit Albania on July 26
? Agricultural exports surged to 2-7 bln ALL in the first 6-months
? Interest?s fall, deposits at bottom whereas loans get lower
? 17 ports planed along the coastal line
? How is justice reform help business in Albania
? Government ratifies 4-year strategy for the protection of copyright
? Currency values today
? Civil society manifestation in support of the reform keep going
? Albania beaches keep on enchanting foreign portals
? Weather forecast tomorrow