? Italian Ambassador Gaiani: Italian-Albanian economic cooperation, potential for even greater expansion
? Veliaj: 1 million inhabitants, 1 million opportunities instead of 1 million problems
? Kor??/ Left-wing candidate introduces his electoral program for Culture, Heritage and Tourism
? Theocharous: EU support for Albania to ratify the agreement with Greece
? Der Standard: Albania fears the Greek veto
? ASHE in Athens presents candidates for the south of Albania
? Legalization, Lame introduces changes in law; certificates delivery debate
? Minister Klosi pledges: Employment my priority
? CEC introduces three projects in support of the election process
? Elections, CEC continues observers accreditation
? Germany supports minorities? rights in Albania
? Does Durres-Belgrade highway benefit Serbia more?
? Decriminalization, US greets DP and political class initiative
? Minister Naco: IASP importance for the safety of prison system
? BoA ? Bank deposits increased in April
? BoA: Tirana to lead credit
? Meta: Support for farmers, key to development of agriculture
? Haxhinasto: A joint working group for the implementation of the Adriatic-Ionian Corridor to be soon set up
? Another historic minimum of interest bonds, Bank of Albania: They will keep dropping
? Which are the richest cities in Albania
? 60 mln EURO for roads
? Ahmetaj: Aiming at summer tourism in 80 days
? Medicinal plants export drops
? Safer governmental policies for social business
? Employment in economic branches
? A number of new businesses to increase by 1.3%
? National Olympic Park project to cost 6 million EURO
? Investments to increase in 2015
? Law on bankruptcy changes
? Gas market to develop
? Albania to postpone oil tender
? Conf-Industry to appeal to executive: Economy, low fiscal performance
? Currency values today
? Orikum Archaeological Park reopened as tourist attraction
? Weather forecast tomorrow