? Greece complains about Albania in Brussels
? Incident at the meeting with Fyle
? Fuga: Rama didn’t offend anyone in the meeting
? Government?s plan to reduce pollution
? Hahn: I hope Albania will start negotiations within my mandate
? Greece welcomes top energy firms for 3rd annual Balkans & the Adriatic Oil & Gas summit
? Western Balkans oil and gas developments
? Y. Maniatis: We?ve come a long way in just three years
? Hellenic Petroleum calls for consistency
? Greek Licensing Round
? How difficult is to go bankrupt in Albania
? Do large companies benefit from the legal flaws on bankruptcy?
? Bad loans are going up drastically
? The law is there but are there people to apply it?
? A program for the Solution of Debt
? Novelty of the legal amendment which interests businesses
? How is business in Albania facing economic difficulties
? Currency values today
? Former Bank Governor: “home arrest” measure taken against me to be dropped
? SIS inquiry commission working to uncover Visho Ajazi Lika
? Puka scandal generates another one
? Orphan association director abuses teen
? Ombudsman: Law for orphans needs to be improved
? Transformation of Lezha town
? Day of the elderly in Albania, 20% live alone
? New students may enroll in public universities until Oct. 7
? Youth employment in the rural areas
? Weather forecast tomorrow