? Police results after first 300 days of work
? Not previously announced meeting Rama-Arvizu at the prime ministry
? EU heads to the majority: Consultations with Euralius and Venice Commission for the reform in HCJ
? Athens complains for the new territorial division
? DP MP, Strasburg overthrew the government
? Phone tapping end of freedom for the opposition
? Legalizations, government approves the new prices
? Problematic loans reduced
? Minister of Finance Shkelqim Cani: We paid the debts to the business
? Currency values today
? Four life imprisonments for Dritan Dajti
? Kavaja, 27 year old executed with hail of bullets
? Witness absence, trial against businessman postponed for July 30th
? Challenge of environment renaissance
? Hail destroys crops
? Doctors and pharmacist abusers discovered
? A novelty in Albanian prisons, an inmate sits an online exam
? Weather forecast tomorrow