Albania captain Berat Gjimshiti has been crowned “National Team Player of the Year” at a prestigious ceremony hosted by the Football Federation at Tirana’s National Opera and Ballet Theatre. The Atalanta defender, absent due to club commitments, was honored through his mother, Sevime Gjimshiti, who accepted the award from national team coach Silvinjo.
Gjimshiti, 30, enjoyed a stellar year, captaining Albania during their spirited Euro 2024 campaign in Germany and spearheading Atalanta’s historic UEFA Europa League triumph. His leadership and defensive prowess were pivotal in both achievements, cementing his status as a key figure for club and country.
The award, voted on by Albania’s national team players, recognizes Gjimshiti’s consistent excellence. Silvinjo praised the centre-back’s “unwavering commitment and professionalism,” while teammates hailed his role in Albania’s recent rise.
Gjimshiti, who has worn the armband since 2022, becomes the first defender to claim the prize in five years. His dual success in Serie A and on the continental stage has solidified his reputation as one of Albania’s finest football exports.