- Opposition PD expels its founder Berisha and his supporters from the party, after the January 8th protest
- Democrat MP: Basha used poisonous carbon gas on protesters
- US condemns violence exercised in January 8 protest
- President discusses EU talks with North Macedonia`s DUI head
- Ministry of Finances and Economy: Albanian economy was increased by 8, 6 % in 2021, expectations for 2022
- The pensioners` scheme to add 48 thousand pensioners, 100 million additional euro needed
- Salaries in the private sector, Minister of Finances and Economy: We have appealed to businesses to correct salaries, inspections to take place in March
- Fourth call for village project`s funding opens
- Fiscalizations: Rural businesses must be excluded
- British newspaper “The economist”, at least 12 thousand Albanians died of Covid-19
- Natioal theater closed due to Covid-19
- Covid-19 infects Elbasan, around 100 cases a day
- Vlora, two people declared wanted handcuffed
- Police arrests man for destroying doors and windows of DP headquarters
- Morocon arrested for killing young Albanian
- Reç prison heads dismissed
- Residents protest opening postponement of the rebuilt school in Durrës village
- Zall Dardha village in Dibër without electricity for three days, bad weather rips off electricity pyllon
- Kukes city covered in snow
- Korça district engulfed by cold snowy eather