PRISTINA, JAN 30 – Extremism is tearing Kosovo apart, with fierce anti-Serb, anti-gay, and nationalist rhetoric spreading fast, experts warned at a major conference held yesterday.
Backed by the Netherlands Embassy, the event heard how Kosovo’s deep divisions are fueled by unresolved issues dating back to the 1990s.
Adelina Hasani, the lead researcher, said, “Extreme nationalism is poisoning the country. It’s keeping Albanians and Serbs apart, with no chance of reconciliation.”
The study revealed that anti-Serb hate speech dominates social media, while Kosovo’s northern region remains a stronghold of Russian-backed misinformation.
LGBT rights are also under attack, with some politicians pushing an anti-LGBT agenda under the guise of “traditional values.” Hasani slammed these views, warning they threaten the country’s democratic progress.
Religious extremism remains a concern, although less visible than it was in 2014. But experts say the warning signs are there.
Kosovo’s government is pushing back, but experts argue more must be done to protect the future. (TIR-FAX)