- Albanian President Meta: Gratitude to the wonderful citizens of Kavaja who joined today the noble cause of blood donation
- CoVid-19 / Restrictive measures are postponed indefinitely by the government, economic assistance to families is increased
- The government cancels all public procurement: Only those related to the coronavirus fight to continue
- MPs salaries halved due to solidarity with corona virus
- Shahini advices teachers not to overload their children with extra concepts
- Package of financial help enters into power
- Coronavirus leads to devaluation of Albanian Lek
- CoVid-19 update/ 13 dead and 257 affected in Albania
- 52 year old arrested after distributing drugs in Gramsh
- 42 year old arrested after attempting to steal warehouse
- Operation Vol -Vo 4”, 52 year old declared wanted arrested
- CoVid-19/ number of victims goes to 16, 277 is the number of infected people
- Sudden snowfall creates traffic problems in the north of the country
- Plan for the closure of readmission of people abroad closed, to be applied soon
- Elbasan, mother with two daughters infected with covid-19
- 76 patients fully recovered from corona-virus
- Teacher of private schoolin Korca dies of covid-19
- Albanians allowed to cross border in Kapshtica and Kakavija
- Meta: Autistic children and their families to be supported
- Temperatures go up in the coming days