- Prime Minister Rama meets with Canadian Prime Minister
- Busy morning for Albania in Brussels
- Meta wishes Kosovo on Independence Day
- EU donates 100 million euro for earthquake damages
- Basha “Opposition liquidation is an illusion”
- Italy expected to contribute with 60 million euro for the Albanian reconstruction
- Germany provides 11 million euro for Albania`s reconstruction after the earthquake
- Attorney General meets Borchart of OSCE
- Donator’s conference, Arben Ahmetaj shows how many euros are expected to be collected for Albania
- Pellumb Abeshi; Waste import did not reach didn’t reach the purpose of recycling
- Vlore, three cars found in the sea, police starts investigations
- Police vehicle involved in accident with three prisoners inside
- Shootings in Korca, brothers declared wanted by police
- Investigations launched for 20 year old girl, who wanted to transfer 12 thousand euros abroad
- Advice comeing from diaspora; You should confront with the dictatorship past
- Rodjon Gjoka: Bin containers, no conditions to stay in urban places with many residents
- Road problems in “Former aviation area”, Residents: No pavements, scared of cars passing by
- Kosovars celebrate 12th anniversary of Kosovo independence in Albania, they want removal of borders
- Kico Londo Theater should be a place when teenagers turn off their ohones for 1 hour and a half
- Tirana versus Skenderbeu ends up 1-1