- President Meta criticizes international representatives
- Closing of betting shops, negative impact on economic growth
- President proposes early general and presidential elections
- Basha: ODIHR rejected June 30th elections
- Rudina Hajdari withdrawn: Not the proper moment to investigate Meta
- Balla: Meta to leave the Presidency
- Kurbin: Candidate for the Democratic Conviction Party to submit complain on the election result
- European Commission refuses Netherlands request for the removal of the free-visa regime for Albania
- Ulsi Manja will head commission that will discharge President Meta
- Soreca appeal: Do engage in dialogue and establish the Constitutional Court
- Malaj: Institutional chaos urgently requires the establishment of the Constitutional Court
- Gashi: Integration in the EU couldn`t be dependent on the Reform in the Justice System
- Balla congratulates the new President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli
- “Fight” continues on the number of voters, DP: CEC deceived again
- DP: Protesters released in Librazhd
- New DP plan disclosed on right municipalities
- Economic king Albania-Kosovo: businesses deadline up to July 15
- 51 files for trafficking of human beings
- 6 persons voted in Fushe-Kuqe, but 60 votes were found in the box
- Car crashes motorbike, two youngsters hospitalized, one of them passes away
- Last segment of the New Boulevard, Veliaj: We should get back to work
- Applications opened for the Academy of Security, criteria and documentation needed
- Health Institute: 10 tips how to cope with heat
- Medicine University publishes books online
- ONU report: Albanian women do 500 minutes of chores a day