- Mogherini’s last speech before electoral year: “Open EU accession negotiations for Albania”
- “Balkan border exchanges could cause a chain reaction in the region”
- First day of new Parliament session. Opposition gathers in Shkoder, accuses government of cooperating with crime
- Nishani stands with opposition concern, organized crime, political partner of the government
- Head of Constitutional Court passes vetting process
- Berisha publishes messages: Rama runs criminal gangs in Shkoder
- DP takes decision and prepares resolution for the objection of Kosovo borders
- Strong declaration of Basha: Two children were kidnapped in Shkoder a week ago
- Tabaku: Economy has undergone recession, 9260 businesses closed within 8 months
- Tax on “Rruga e Kombit” to be applied by September 17
- Vasili appeals to citizens: Refuse to pay for “Rruga e Kombit”, it’s a shameful theft
- Pensioners to receive 5000 ALL reward by the end of the year
- Economy in recession, loans in low levels, deposits withdrawn
- 31-year-old from Kosovo arrested in Morina, after being declared wanted in Belgium for drug trafficking
- 192 kg of drugs seized in Greece, Albanian and Greek couple arrested
- Drug operation in Tirana results in a series of arrests
- Car bursts into fire in the middle of Tirana, pedestrians shocked
- Joint Albania-Greek operation, 4 youngsters arrested using vessels for drug transportation
- Underground parking at “Italia” square, Veliaj: An extraordinary project for the city
- Damaged Berat-Skrapar road axis leads to accidents
- Compensation of Zharrza, Residents: we have not received any compensation yet
- 16 schools in Fier risk closure due to minimal conditions
- Some precious icons belonging to Berat church restored
- Korça, the destination of artists from 1-8 September
- Two Albanian finalists are semifinals in the “Operalia” world competition