- President Macron receives Albanian PM at the Elysee this Tuesday
- Rama on BBC Today: “EU will not pay anything for accession negotiations”
- EU Enlargement Director, Danielsson, meets DP leader Basha
- Health Ministry steps back, invites pharmacists to find solution
- Spartak Braho returns in Parliament
- Merkel envoy “starts work”, Michael Roth meets Rama
- Statistics; Albania with the fewest book readers in Europe
- Water price increased by 17% during the first four months of 2017
- ALL evaluation an indicator of economy empowerment in Albania
- Former MP Mark Frroku released earlier than sentence
- Dreadful accident in Kukes, three youngsters miraculously escape death
- Perpetrator hits his brother and then a businessman in Vau i Dejes
- Illegal gambling at club, two businessmen arrested
- Serious Crimes submit request to the Ministry of Justice, Arber Cekaj to be extradited
- Miner in Bulqiza involved in deadly accident
- Trial for Denis Shtraza postponed
- Drug laboratory in Fier, workers testify: They were building
- Perpetrator arrested 20 days after stabbing to death 22-year-old boy
- Youngster from Tirana caught with two remote control mines in his motorcycle
- Diber street transformed, bicycle lane added to the street
- Sports angles to be rehabilitated in Tirana
- Veliaj: “Tirana Artificial Lake received ‘White Flag’”
- Chaos from rain in Berat: Rain causes traffic jam and floods roads and yards
- Tirana of 90`s in the eye of the austrian photographer
- Jon Kraja presents his art in “Agora” art gallery in Strasburg
- Altin Basha: Battle continues for the National Theater, government to start dialogue with artists