- Albanian President congratulates Kosovo for agreement with Montenegro
- Basha in Budapest: Albania has no drastic developments
- A common Albanian-Kosovo president: Prince Leka shows the way how to achieve it
- Balla demands more time for Tahiri’s investigative commission
- EU integration, Bushati: “Albania expects accession negotiations by April”
- Former Minister Haxhinasto at Prosecution of Serious Crimes
- President Meta: Membership agenda to be on the top of personal agenda
- Salianji: Vetting in police needs to start from the Minister of Interior himself
- Minister of Interior: Vetting dossier is ready
- Business Forum Albanian-Italy: Image of 1990 Albania needs to be changed
- Business Forum-Albania, Cutillo: Companies` interest for investments has gone up
- IMF and BoA meeting: Seiko: Albanian economy is improving
- Albania at the top of the list for the highest number of bars in the world
- Family involved in accident, father and three daughters killed
- 22-year-old kills himself inside his car
- Elbasan, 44-year-old woman killed gets injured by shotgun
- Two Albanians handcuffed attempting to cross the border in possession of hashish
- 60-year-old found drowned in Lepevica Cannel
- Cardiovascular diseases the main cause of deaths for Albanians
- Earth slides, Head of Civil Emergencies inspects flat in Gjirokaster
- Veliaj: After cleaning, cooperation with Verona on public transportation and lightening system
- Measle situation deteriorated in Albania
- Izmir Ismajli, Balkan champion for long jump
- Week to start with snow and rain