- Habilajt dossier to be handled by the Italian justice
- Opposition table gathered
- Basha: We don`t want a government linked to Mafia, Rama must resign
- Meta: the country should cope first with poverty alleviation in order to secure the guaranteeing of the social rights
- Drug trafficking, Kryemadhi: Meta responsible as much as Rama
- Visit in Skopje, Rama: Great regional agreements
- Basha meeting with small business in Kavaja
- Fund for banks created in situation of crises
- Strike in Greek customs, only pedestrian travelers to cross the border on Thursday
- Ahmetaj: We will formalize economy and increase competitiveness
- Peleshi: Village economy to be boosted through funds from the state budget and European Union funds
- OSHEE: 11 vacancies to be filled
- Shkoder, explosive substance placed to education inspector
- “Fall 2017” operation, two arrested in Durres
- Man arrested for hiding evidence after involving 28 year old in accident
- Tirana, 75 year old dies after being involved in accident
- 25 year old arrested for attempted murder
- Veliaj: Investments in education, the ticket to escape poverty
- Breast cancer, number of affected women goes up
- Residents protest against the landfill construction in Leshnica – Pogradec municipality
- Special forces of the Albanian Army to conduct another special mission in Afghanistan
- Durres, mist impedes ships anchoring
- Mist impedes car circulation at “Rruga e Kombit”
- Gunshots in Mujo Ulqiaku street
- Pollution Alarm: Decision on former Metallurgic Factory
- Bulqiza schools in miserable conditions
- Shkodra honours albanologyst Rober Elise, his body will rest in Theth