? By Court decision state pays off the families of 21 January victims
? Speaker Meta holds a meeting with Mr. Brownfield in USA
? Netherlands judge shocked by Albanian judge mentality
? Rama is grateful to Singapore for recognizing Kosovo
? The Right sees insecurities in EU-Balkan relations after Brexit
? BE grants 10 mln EUR for Vetting process in Albania
? During 2017 CEC will exploit a budget of 139 mln ALL
? SP MP Balla ? Electoral Reform Committee requires DP?s presence
? Albania and Iceland excellent political-parliamentary relations
? Basha ? We won?t boycott anything, we?ll win these elections
? Basha and Nishani estimate the favoring role of Tajan to Albania
? Albanian Naval Forces conduct anti-trafficking operations in Aegean Sea
? A ?bee? flies noisily over Albania ahead of election campaign
? Albania and Kosovo agree on a joint custom when it comes to goods exchange
? Singapore-Albania trade and investments forum 2017
? INSTAT ? 67.5% of overall Albanian trade exchange was EU-oriented
? CEFTA offers Albania the chance to apply for Secretariat Director
? State- EBRD, 100 mln USD loan agreement signed
? The cost of electronic voting and counting may get to 70 mln USD
? Tirana Square workings to cost 11 mln EUR
? For 2017Albania will attend less international tourism fairs, unlike 2016
? INSTAT ? Albania held the worst export performance in 2016
? PDO ? We saved EUR 60 mln due to good power management
? Germany gives EUR 20 mln to Albania-FYROM power line
? Currency values today
? Weather forecast tomorrow