? CEC summons two incriminated MPs in a hearing session
? Basha?s message addressed to Albanian Christians
? DP calls on General Prosecution not to close ?Veliaj? file
? Croatian Albanians are to be represented in the Sabor by a woman
? 40 draft-laws of justice reform are to be debated on the 3rd phase
? Defense Minister ? Protection of minorities is a matter we remains committees to
? President?s greeting message on Xmas Day occasion
? Environment Ministry drafts air quality legal act
? Vetting. Judges and prosecutors threatened to be discharged of duty
? Tax on energy power consumption won?t change in 2017
? WB evaluates it will take Albania 10 years to defeat extreme poverty
? BoA claims consumption loan surged to 24% this year
? 7 seized illegal properties sold in an auction for 2 mln EUR
? Reduction of bad-loans improves BoA crediting progress
? 50% of incomes are spend on food, more than European citizens
? A new strategy on Tax Dep. performance indicators for 2017-2021 period
? State budget previews 14.4 bln ALL of investment for Tirana
? Revenues from royalty indicate a reduction to 1 bln ALL
? TAP pipelines augment to 53% more the imports from Germany
? Currency values today
? State Police head draws citizens attention to beware on holiday season
? Season holidays. Checkpoints enhance security measures
? City Hall presents its new urban plan for Tirana
? New health center in Tirana inaugurated
? Weather forecast tomorrow