? Rama believes Greece won?t obstacle Albanian EU integration
? JUIP ?Kamenos?s statement was absurd?he can?t threat us
? Meta summons SMI premise ahead of Electoral Convention
? Despite Vetting, Constitutional Court will review judges? status
? Basha pledges for wellness and employment after coming to power
? Parliament votes in principle 2017 state budget
? Albanian Embassy in USA celebrates Independence and AF National Day
? Armed Forces celebrates its 104 anniversary
? 2017 elections are going to be observed by 90 EAAs
? Brussels holds a Conference on communism crimes in Albania
? Republicans raise voice against government stance on accession talks
? DP corroborates of no future coalition with SMI in the coming elections
? Albania and Holy See 25th anniversary celebrated
? Ahmetaj ? We?re going to fight abuse with tobacco selling
? INSAT ? Market deficit fell off to 6.5% in October
? Albania attends SELEC sitting over fighting organized crime & smuggling
? Economy Minister ? We shall ask Italy to negotiate ?Call Centre? law
? Businesses Association refuse binding membership to Public Chamber of Commerce
? Startups in Albania are increasingly moving ahead successfully
? Trauma Hospital budget halved from 884 mln to 425 mln ALL
? Economic Freedom Index. Albania ranks the 13th
? Government concedes the construction of 48 Hydropower Plants by 23 companies
? EUROSTAT ? Albania the regional poorest agricultural products exporter
? Government drafts 6 road construction projects to be pulled off through PPP
? Machineries and pipelines for TAP surged to 7% the imports of 10 months
? Currency values today
? Albania has the highest No. of students per teacher in the region
? Weather forecast tomorrow