? Right-wing addresses to EU not to set a accession talk date
? From leader to leader. Speaker Meta reelected as the head of SMI
? DP submits to Constitutional Court two other justice reform?s laws
? A positive recommendation from EU is indispensable for Albania
? Basha ? Who truly owns drug monopoly in Albania?
? PM Rama calls education reform a real success
? Torsten Albig pays an official visit in Tirana
? TAP project concludes rehabilitation processes in Korca
? SP MP Balla ? Albania welcomes every EU account on 5 priorities
? President Nishani awarded ?Collare pro Merito Melitensi? in Malta
? 3 justice reform?s laws finally published in the Official Gazette
? Greek Embassy in Tirana released a statement over check point troubles
? 2017 parliamentary elections. Rama convokes heads of 12 districts
? DP getting ready for the next election campaign battle
? Finance Ministry ? Revenues from excise to surge to 46.7 bln ALL in 2017
? Albanian economic growth highly affected by TAP and Devoll Hydropower
? 2017 budget?140.8 bln ALL of profit from VAT revenues
? Albania?s wine and olive win China over
? Albania attracts a powerful l investor, SOCAR
? Excise on liquid gas for vehicles will increase to 13%
? 10 companies possessing huge value contracts in the health system
? Drugs reimbursement. Export invoices carrying 11 mln EUR more than import
? Government drafts a plan to pay back 87 mln ? for local power
? 2017 budget will provide 4 mln ? on sheltering
? Currency values today
? Former military officials to benefit 3 mln USD in their banking account
? State Police already with new uniforms
? Weather forecast tomorrow