? Speaker Meta ? More than politics, Albania needs stable economy
? Basha and Christian Danielson talk over significant countries matters
? Meta-Danielson. EU safety depends on a stable Balkan region
? Accession talks, CE emphasizes that the date is up to Albania
? Judges identify a range of remarks with regards to Vetting bill
? A revolutionary anti-corruption project financed by EU in Albania
? Important rulings approved today by the Council of Ministers
? CEC Chair ? Commissioners to observe law, youth to participate in the voting process
? Government delivered 100 thousand construction licenses in 3 years
? The very first female General into the Armed Forces
? Parliament to vote this Thursday the new CEC member
? New electoral qualification of mandates is proposed by CEC
? DP- Pension scheme has failed since its start
? 2.8 tones of goods imported through Durres port in the last months
? Minister of Economy – 33% of SME are run by women
? Budget provided for transport and infrastructure is se to be 31 bln
? BoA ? Economy has moved fast forward and so is foreseen for 2017
? Trump election with less impact on ALL, currency stronger than EUR
? Opposition demands for more investments the next year by the government
? Consumer debt surged to 14% in 9 months
? Transparency International ? Albania maintains the 3rd highest rate of bribe
? IMF and CE concerned about fiscal reforms? future with regards to general elections
? EBRD to incite in Albania gender equality in the railway sector for 2017-2019
? Investments? annual growth slew down to 4.4% in three months
? Currency values today
? Weather forecast tomorrow