? Kotzias dares to suggest Albania how meet EU recommendations
? CEC chair ? There is no time to satisfy political parties fancies
? LIBRA party formalized by the court
? Presidency into financial difficulties to keep on running the show
? Right-wing ? Rama sticks ones nose into the secret files opening process
? PM Rama ? ?We dedicated three years of hard work to the poor
? NCI Chairwoman ? Accession talk needs a governmental strategy
? Even though under trial , imams connect by phone calls with Syrian collaborators
? Interior Minister kicks off campaign to heap illegal weapons
? Belgian police testimony may ruin former SP MP Frroku
? EU asserts Albania lacks capacity to manage residues import
? 2017 Global Entrepreneur Index ranks Albania the 80th
? Ahmetaj ? 2017 budget provides for a 3.8% speed up growth
? Cooperation with China to recover hydro system
? Excise price set to protect consumers and formalize the market
? Bad loans cause banks? profit to crash down. 100 mln USD to soften them
? Easy Invest failure?seals its activity in Albania and takes back investors
? Agriculture sector asks for 10.1 bln ALL more form state budget
? Power selling, EEC encased 6.2 mln EUR in 20 days
? Extra money to be spend on justice system next year
? Government to spend 3.7 bln ALL on waste management
? How is hashish insemination affecting currency exchange in Albania?
? Hydro-Power Plants are ruining Albanian tourism…
? Currency values today
? Albanian society great antibiotic consumers in the world
? Weather forecast tomorrow