? SP assigns its delegates on every district
? SMI holds meeting with environmentalist over residues import
? DP ? Rama mocks with professors? salaries
? DP?s propaganda against the government persists all over the country
? Rama – Thanks to reforms we can financially afford salaries raise
? Meta ? I run again for SMI leader to elevate my party at a higher level
? RP demands seaboat moratorium to prevent narcotic trafficking
? SMI joins votes with DP in support of the fired TV reporter
? Speaker Meta praises the great job done so far by ALUIZNI
? SP MP Cara hurls harsh accusations to Health Minister
? DP MP Albana Vokshi speaks up over the check-up scandal
? Albania-China cooperation is moving at a new momentum
? 60 tax procedures reduced for businesses. DP upholds initiative
? World Bank ? More investment for local power
? BoA ? interests in bonds surges, government will demand more money
? Albanian National Bank ? Albania keeps the highest NPL level in the region
? Trial on Energy Minister 470 mln affair suspended by Supreme Court
? Hydrocarbon, beer and coffee import falls
? Fiscal amnesty. Ahmetaj asserts the remission of meters, not of arrears
? Water export raises to 212 mln ALL
? City Hall?s new investment on an urban park in Farka. New tourism destination
? NPL bill gets Legal Issues Committee ratification
? 23 mln less collected by customs up to September
? Currency values today
? University professors suggest a small administration and higher salaries
? Code of Conduct signed among mobile operators
? Weather forecast tomorrow