? Poured oil on Dibra polling centers troubled waters
? DP requires Education Minister resignation
? CEC complains about political parties attitude
? Dibra experiences the Electoral silence
? CEC ? Political parties make changes to the last moment
? Senator McCain grateful to Albania for sheltering the mujahedins
? Netherland threats Albania by reestablishing visa regime
? Berisha – Assault on entrepreneur Faad Mitri, a political mafia attempt
? Heavy Crimes Prosecution drafts a report on State Police over cannabis
? 126 companies choose to close their activity
? 25,748 mln ALL of turnover among Albania and Turkey
? Thermal water sources to generate power , a government ambition
? Albanian economy is meeting IMF expectations
? Kukes Airport construction is causin 104.000 EUR of damage to the state
? 12 mln ALL do the muicipalities owe to the government
? Private sector pays less in Albania then throughout the region
? Destructive hashish economy, 10 problems its introduces
? Currency values today
? 800 employees are provided with a business card
? ALUIZNI Head ? Overture of self-declaration process. Who benefits
? Weather forecast tomorrow