? EU sets four principle for the Vetting draft
? Xhafaj – Anti-corruption law does not menace press freedom
? SMI ? No Vetting process to be applied over the press
? Basha ? Article 13 tends to hit journalists
? Electoral campaign, the new parliamentary session challenge
? 25th anniversary of Albania-Israel relations
? What to expect from Vetting bill the next Monday
? Whose freedom of press? outrage interest is?
? DP reports a 600 thousand EUR of corruption by the PM
? Nish meeting, fighting to reduce Albania-Kosovo trade barriers
? DP publishes new data on senior officials affiliated to drug trafficking
? Banks feel unsafe, more measures to be applied in the law
? Finance Ministry ? No tariff on online shopping prior to CMD
? 1.1 bln EUR granted by the government for Lalesi Gulf water-cleaning
? Experts ? Government hasn?t used state budget funds properly
? 38.9 mln USD to be invested on health system by the government
? Fragile State Index ? Albania close to the read line
? IBM ? Albania not in the employment improvement list of state regions
? ?Saranda 2016? tourist souvenir fair
? EUR exchanged with 136.57 ALL
? Public investments achieved at 81% during January-July
? Euro-Zone inflation knocks even in Albania
? Currency values today
? 126 Albanians detained in Barcelona over false papers
? 7600 cannabis sativa sapling annihilated
? Weather forecast tomorrow