? A new disagreement springs up among SP and DP
? DP ? Don?t you declare war to the right-wing
? Integration Minister ? Youth is the country?s engine
? The third SP?s attempt to speed up justice reform
? A hard political stalemate
? Albania-Hungary excellent bilateral relations
? Defense Minister ? Albania is a precious member of NATO
? Constitutional Court bill to terminate on Friday
? US Embassy reminds the historic visit of James Baker in Tirana
? How to further strengthen Albania-Croatia relations
? WB – Albania?s economic structure dominated by agriculture
? IMF to improve tax administration-business rapport in Albania
? EBRD lends 218 mln EUR for APC debt servicing
? EBRD to lend 34.5 mln EUR for Albanian Railways
? USO ? Albanian govt to lift scanning tariff on customs
? Romana Vlahutin ? Avoid abuses with EU funds on agriculture
? Arben Ahmetaj ? Automatic VAT reimbursement extended
? MF attempts to merge?Taxation with Customs
? Damian Gjiknuri ? 5.8 million USD investments at Klos Traverbank
? Haxhinasto at 8th European Conference of Ministers of Transport
? Albania lacks VIP enterprises
? Bankers? agreement with Jeo-Jade concluded in July
? Currency values today
? Capital City Hall initiative to promote music and new talents
? Tirana Mayor ? We should recall the pains of communism victims
? Albanian fishing boat lost in the sea
? Narcotic substances annihilation proceeds
? Weather forecast tomorrow