? Minister of Justice ? SMI defends no criminal
? President-Mayor conflict
? PM inaugurated a consultation centre
? Justice reform Ad-Hoc committee?s next step
? Self-declaration deadline not observed
? Prime Minister ? The protest is the democracy?s attribute
? The Speaker meets US Department high officials
? NATO excellence center
? Foreign Affairs Minister attends EUSAIR meeting
? Rama ? Albania very close to EU integration
? City Hall protest, an assault to justice power
? EBRD considers 1.5 billion EUR fund for TAP
? WB to grant 4 mln USD for forest management
? BoA ? Regional economic improvement positively affects Albania
? Block C given to Zenith Energy concessionary company
? Govt ? Law amends for hydrocarbon sector
? Non-EU countries agree on Adriatic-Ionian region strategy?
? Albania- Montenegro TFA ratified?
? VAT revenues? good performance
? Machineries and equipment import ups 13%
? End- April, budget revenues to hit 130.711 mln ALL
? Dumre ? Tobacco planting at stake by monopoly
? Eurosig buys INSIG
? House price index mounts up
? Currency values today
? Emigrants? second cross border attempt
? Albania embassy in Washington opens doors for the public
? Road Authority official accused of power abuse
? Weather forecast tomorrow