? Decriminalization unites votes from majority and opposition
? Decriminalization, new law enters into force immediately
? Albania Parliament bans criminals from politics
? How will Albanian politics be cleaned up in two months?
? PM Rama – Decriminalization, moment of truth in January
? Hahn – Decriminalization increases public officials? integrity
? Basha – Socialists, do not keep criminals in your party
? Fleckenstein and Kukan – Decriminalization law to be followed by judicial reform
? American Embassy welcomes the voting of Decriminalization law
? EU Delegation greets law on the eligibility of the elected
? Judiciary reform, Venice Commission approves preliminary draft
? Majority?s meeting, Meta – Decriminalization is a crucial law
? Ombudsman welcomes decriminalization adoption
? Arbitration EDO-DIA, Gjiknuri ? The decision saves Albania 135 mln EUR
? EBRD ? Economic growth hampered from low crediting
? EBRD ? Albania among 25 countries with the highest loan level in the world
? EBRD pessimism
? Margin in lending increased to 6.7%
? Education budget to reduce
? Albanian-Kosovo Commissions engaged in solution
? Agreement on boulevard financing approved
? Snam Company becomes shareholder of TAP
? TAP certified as an independent operator
? Currency values today
? Mother Theresa closer to sanctification
? Uncontrolled mosques proliferate in Albania
? Infrastructure quality, Albania the penultimate in region
? Man arrested in Italy for murder of 2003
? Court of Appeal leaves Prosecutor Giu in prison
? Berat, girl threatened with intimate video
? Weather forecast tomorrow