? Bulgaria ? Nishani insures Bulgaria?s support in accession process
? Interior Minister before match with Serbia – All measures taken. Fans must preserve our values
? Opposition leader -DP determined for CEZ international investigation
? DP, Ristani – Drugs spread through the country, Interior Minister still on duty
? Paloka – Rama’s friend 4.5 billion ALL bid
? Spartak Braho testifies at Prosecution
? Rama ? Meta second meeting in a few days
? Albania Chinese Ambassador – Reorientation, 70th Anniversary of the UN
? Rama makes video-selfie with the national players
? The challenges of medical higher education
? Anti-invasion tightened meassures, DP ? represive meassures
? Basha – DP stands firm on international probe into CEZ issue
? IMF- Low economic growth for the next 5 years in Albania
? Anti-informality, American Chamber of Commerce ? Be careful with small business
? 1.54 million EURO for public finances
? Cani ? Evasion and smuggling, sentence to prison
? Action against informality, tax abuses
? Credit agreements
? BoA ? We predict the level of inflation 3% in 2017
? BoA committed to activate Tirana?s stock exchange
? SARED grant scheme ? Call for farmers? applications
? Scanning in customs, MF ?surrendered? to fason requests
? OED ? 40 million USD arrears remitted for 192 thousand debtors
? Foreign business climate, justice issues, laws and informality
? Currency values today
? Security measures for Serbian team in Tirana
? Veliaj – New Project of Tirana?s Bazaar
? New opportunities to be offered for students
? Ballist Morina arrested over illegal arm possession
? Durres Court finds former Head of Rrashbull Commune not guilty
? Medieval ottoman tablet damaged in Lezha
? Weather forecast tomorrow