? Former Prosecutor Ina Rama wins trial against High Council of Justice
? CEC, Eduart Ndocaj gets MP Arben ?s mandate
? DP – Tahiri tied with drug gangs who control government
? Stones against Albanian Embassy in Montenegro
? Majority and opposition waste time denigrating each-other
? Paloka accused Rama of being involved in tender racketeering
? SMI – Decriminalization and judicial reform require wide political consensus
? Government?s new law on public security
? Ombudsman two recommendations of ‘Lustration’ law
? Migrant Crisis, Rama – Albania not yet affected but it may soon be
? Albania is involved in the EC plan of measures for refugees
? Does Ilir Meta withdraw his request for cabinet reshuffle?
? With the new reforms??Albania will welcome?more foreign investors
? DP – Railway concession conceded with no tender nor race
? Veliaj – New standards for roads
? Minister Klosi – Employment, Albania misses qualified workers
? Discussions for 2016 fiscal package
? Experts ? Budget revenues reduction due to severe tax policies
? Insurance companies extend their weight towards GDP
? Bal loans, government and BoA with a selecting plan
? EC approved agreement with IFC for private sector development
? OED ? 47.5 million ALL investments in SC power network
? Compulsory motor insurance to surge by 21.3%
? Tax controls during September action
? TAP, pipeline construction kicks out in 2016
? Nation Road tender postponed again with two weeks
? Currency values today
? Kashar Lake, the most polluted in Tirana
? Durres Port, 1 ton of drugs seized
? Lazarat suspect hands himself over
? Weather forecast tomorrow