? June 21 elections, candidates in the electoral campaign
? Hariton: Technology, Business Solutions; UT, two young masters in this field
? US Ambassador: In the list there are still incriminated candidates
? Rama in Rome: Albanian marker an open and competitive one
? Basha: Court decision on Ristani and Paloka unacceptable
? Nishani: there is no other choice but to vote for the Special Court
? Idriz in Berat: PDIU has a program which unites Albanians
? Mediu: On June 21 vote against higher taxes
? NSD presents Durres municipality advisors
? Ademi-Lu: PS-SMI are using TIMS and are buying the vote of Shkodra
? Environment Day; Lefter Koka in support of AEA candidate in Leskovik
? Bank of Albania: Consumption trend towards domestic production
? Four Balkan countries sign statement in support of IAP gas pipeline
? Macedonia bans imports of fresh vegetables from Albania/ Reaction of Agriculture Ministry
? AIDA, 19 mln ALL for businesses
? Low ALL falsification
? Online submission procedures to e-Albania
? Ex-persecuted, MF: In 2 years 1.9 mln ALL spent
? Zusi: Credit funds to boost lending for agriculture
? BoA and WB- Plan for bad loans
? ?Mazaers? audit and accounting company inaugurates presence in Tirana
? Debt dilemma; will it boost enough the economy?
? Currency values today
? Health Minister: “Transparency for reimbursing medicaments”
? Airports, Balkan Express to strengthen cooperation Rinas-Pescara
? State Police: cooperation plan against terrorism
? ?Doshi? case, closed probes
? Muslim community reacts after threatening message
? Weather forecast tomorrow