? Tahiri in Germany/The main focus on Asylum Seekers and NDI establishment
? Swedish ambassador Svensson in Kukes: Asylum-seekers? situation, worrying; applications to be refused
? ODIHR: Polarized Albanian political climate to have imact on the election process
? Albania’s oligarchs living in a luxury world like tourists: DP’s Basha in Devoll
? CEC registers two main coalition blocs for June 21 local elections
? DP supports the statement of the US Embassy
? Major parties have ‘no comment’ over Lu’s statements
? Rama and Veliaj present draft for crafts
? Canada, Bushati and Nicholson signed the “Declaration of Intent” to finalize social security agreement
? Albania military cooperation with the New Yersey National Guard
? HIDA fines and suits 14 offisials for hiding their property
? Table for the economy, Ahmetaj: To increase exports
? Ahmetaj: International tender for technological area in Spitalla to open in June
? Assembly Speaker comments the economic situation in Albania
? Albania’s trade deficit grows with 3.7% in March: INSTAT
? Increased premiums, FSA: Companies paid more damage
? BoA predicts decrease of interest norms in ALL and EURO
? BoA expects relief of credit standards for individuals
? Revenues increased by profit tax
? Imports of machineries, chemicals and food increases
? The business climate improves, but for 45% is disadvantageous
? The German enterprises estimate business climate in Albania
? The majority steps back from sequestering houses for power debtors
? BoA: Decrease in treasury bonds interest
? Currency values today
? High Court lifts arrest for Doshi. MP following reviews: Dissatisfied with the decision
? Op-Ed/For a fight without compromise against crime and anti-law
? Mayor gathers Anti-Trafficking Committee: A group of smugglers are playing with people’s expectations
? Bill on higher education, Meta meeting with youngsters: Higher education freedom fully guaranteed
? Albanian Post equiped with money transfer service
? A new beach for this summer season in Vlora
? Weather forecast tomorrow