? Vasili: Administrative Reform is a battle for political strongholds
? Vice mayor of Tirana: Premier Rama wants to prevent the accommodation of families in need
? Kodheli: The structure and the staff of AF will undergo reformation
? New elections within DP, Tritan Shehu: Headship to be dissolved
? Economy Expert, Altin Hoti: Increased taxes impy financial informality
? Treasury bonds, 2014 starts with stable interest rates
? Administrative reform
? Hydrocarbons, monitoring increased
? Task-Force for the gas trade
? DP: The exceeding plan in customs is a fraud, Albanians are being stolen
? Currency values today
? 2 money brokers remained robbed and injured in Durres
? State Social Service (SSS), denounced leader and members of Krraba Commune Council
? Education Experts: Alternative textbooks need to be revised
? Government and opposition provide different figures on the level of criminality in Albania
? Road circulation, problems never end
? Domestic violence is turning into a day to day phenomenon
? A ?boom? of illegal constructions
? The new association of discharged police officers established
? Weather forecast tomorrow