?Topi in the UNO: Albania is feeling the effects of the crisis
?Berisha: Better quality of the English language, lower price for it
?Berisha to local authorities: A more efficient management of your sources
?MJAFT, protests against the candidacies for president
?Meta in the conference of CGDC: We must stimulate employment
?Berisha-Thachi: The implementation of Ohrid agreement is a condition for the stability in Macedonia
?Electoral reform, Wollfarth: Electronic counting requires time and training
?Pollo: Institutions will have a unique IT system
?Increases of budget revenues in the past 4 months
?Currency values today
?Border line with Greece, commission accepts the proposal of SP
?Shkoder, a person is arrested for illegal weapon possession
?The man declared wanted on murder extradited from London
?Gramsh, the collapse of the bridge endangers the life of two children
?Tirana, one injured, car crashes motorcycle
?Accident in Radhima of Vlore, 4 A level students injured
?Burrel, explosive at the entrance of a flat, no injured
?Lushnje, the author of the double murder passes away
?Layers block process
Food expiry date falsifiers arrested
?Weather forecast tomorrow