AINA TIR-FAX, July 19, 2024


  • Minister inspects new waste water plant in Himara: With the completion of “Program IV” all southern cities will be treated
  • Minister of Interior invites youngsters: Free quotas in the Faculty of Security and Investigation
  • Balla: Number of murders go down in Albania
  • Draftlaw on State Police, Balla: Reformation of the police structures in an upper level
  • Tavo: August 4, elections for the Himara future
  • Summit in Great Britain, Siropali meets with Italian Prime Minister Meloni
  • “I want to vote in 2025”, DIASPORA protest in front the parliament
  • Von der Layen reelected President of EU, Begaj: We look forward to continue cooperation towards EU membership
  • Premier Rama on Von der Layen releection: Start of a new chapter, we appreciate her stance in the Western Balkans
  • Berisha: Food safety in the hands of mafia
  • Albania to host European Political Summit for the first time in 2025
  • BoA guvernor presents annual report, Sejko: Albanian government grew with 3, 4% in 2023
  • Economy vulnerable to widespread corruption
  • Exports continue negative performance
  • Megaoperation for the loan, control measures launched
  • 35 year old arrested in Tirana for distribution of cocaine in the city
  • Fires in the north of the country, situation deteriorated in Diber
  • Extreme weather conditions with high temperatures continue
  • 71 year old in house arrest after terrorising neighbourhood with gun shooting
  • New York Times portrays figure of Ermonela Jaho, the soprano that sings “sounds of the soul”

About TirFax

Albanian Independent News Agency (AINA) TIR-FAX, was founded in conformity to the laws of the Republic of Albania, in August 1996. It is the first and the only media of this kind in Albania. Since its beginnings, AINA TIR-FAX, built a professional strategy in order to be a reliable media and distant itself from politics and reflect the reality not affected by any political convictions and conveying to its subscribers up-to-date daily, professional and totally independent news and information.
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