AINA TIR-FAX, July 12, 2024


  • Head of the opposition Berisha takes to Strasbourg the house arrest complaint: Albanian justice did not listen to me
  • Albania and allies boost NATO military mobility with key agreement
  • PM Rama near Biden and Stoltenberg at the NATO anniversary dinner in Washington
  • EU enlargement, a rocky road
  • Berisha blames MP for country`s depopulation
  • Meta at opposition`s protest attacks the head of SPAK
  • General Prosecutor Olsion Cela met with head of CoE Giulia re, addressing the safety of journalists
  • Opposition proposes Petro Gjikuria as candidate for Himara mayor
  • Greek MFA reacts to Albania revoving Beleri as Himara mayor
  • CEC removes Beleri`s mandate as mayor mayor of Himara
  • Beleri to attend MEP swearing-in-ceremony
  • Sejko, Mete receives IMF mission
  • SPAK moives forward with criminal case for January 21st, 2011 deaths
  • Wildfires in Gjirokastra, 36 firefighters and 50 army forces working to stop the flames
  • French citisen gives birth premature birth on the road to hospital
  • Population decline, economy to be affected

About TirFax

Albanian Independent News Agency (AINA) TIR-FAX, was founded in conformity to the laws of the Republic of Albania, in August 1996. It is the first and the only media of this kind in Albania. Since its beginnings, AINA TIR-FAX, built a professional strategy in order to be a reliable media and distant itself from politics and reflect the reality not affected by any political convictions and conveying to its subscribers up-to-date daily, professional and totally independent news and information.
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