AINA TIR-FAX, July 10, 2024


  • Osmani meeting with Rama, joint efforts in for Kosovo membership in NATO
  • Tabaku in KKIE meeting: Berlin Process, an integral process towards European Union path
  • Former minister is summoned to the Prosecutor’s Office on theft of more than 50 tons of metal in the Policani complex
  • Shkodra, over 3500 cannabis plants destroyed
  • Lezha mayor appears at SPAK for “Abuse of duty”
  • Anti-Corruption Commission, invitation of parliamentary group and aw enforcement agencies to assign experts
  • Rama meets senators of USA, reconfirm devotion to the stability in the Western Balkans
  • US justice delegation meets SPAK officials to strengthen rule of law
  • GDP growth slows to 3, 6 y/y in Q1
  • Drop of interest rateto increase lending
  • Farmer from Lushnja: Vuçiç has fed Albanian market with Serbian production
  • Inflation in Albania drops to 2, 1 in June
  • Gerdeci case, Mediu: Prosecution claims go to absurdity
  • Ministry engages 30 army effectives and helicopter to manage fire in Finiq, Dropull
  • 29 thousand graduates apply for universities in Albania as registrations open on July 15th
  • Ministry engages army effectives and helicopters to manage fire in Finiq
  • Heatwave, Greece sends to planes to Albania to control flames in Dropull
  • 104 years from the foundation of the National Library in Albania

About TirFax

Albanian Independent News Agency (AINA) TIR-FAX, was founded in conformity to the laws of the Republic of Albania, in August 1996. It is the first and the only media of this kind in Albania. Since its beginnings, AINA TIR-FAX, built a professional strategy in order to be a reliable media and distant itself from politics and reflect the reality not affected by any political convictions and conveying to its subscribers up-to-date daily, professional and totally independent news and information.
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